San Francisco Showcase House 2023
For over 10,000 years, humans have collected and worn gems to adorn their bodies and lift their spirts. The Primary Suite was inspired by gemstones—by their colors, their joyfulness,their ability to bring life to an inanimate object, and their undeniable allure.
The designer intends the bedroom to feel like a jewelry box where all the colors are gemstones, and each piece is unique and collectible. Like precious stones, the room displays a quiet, calming yet sparkling energy which mirrors the gems that inspired it, and the light and landscape that lie just outside the windows.
Hechos & Cifras
Piso | Pure |
Categorías | Residencial |
Patrón | Herringbone |
Tono de color | Claro/a |
Anchos de estante | 80 mm (3 5/32") |
Calidades | Premier 1-bis |
Acabado | Aceite |
Ubicación | San Francisco, California, Estados Unidos |
Diseñado por | Tineke Triggs |
Fotos por | Christopher Stark |